Eco-friendly materials

Eco-friendly materials

Now, more than ever, more people are aware that making responsible choices considering the products they put into their homes is important for the environment. These choices are becoming easier these days once there is already a growing concern by the companies to produce as much eco-friendly as possible by choosing wood and/or other materials from renewable sources, and by using the least amount of chemicals as possible and even a preference for proximity to the raw materials in order to make transportation more profitable.

In the field of furniture and decoration it is also possible to introduce this concept, as there are plenty of customers concerned with acting sensibly in the interests of the planet, thus seeking Ecodesign and questioning the origin and treatment given to each product. It is important, when we talk about wood, that these are obtained from a place that has, as self-defence, the ability of reforestation. Sustainable woods are those that are within the law, obey environmental criteria and principles so that they are certified by environmental protection agencies and thus be, certainly, a good choice!

In this respect, all of us at home can practice sustainability. Since wood is one of the most durable materials in the world, we can, instead of buying it, try to recycle it. Just by adding a different handle, a metallic detail, or just by changing the tone with the help of an eco-friendly paint… If you really want to buy furniture made from natural fibres, such as wicker, bamboo or reed… because they are fast growing, lighter, have great durability and can be easily refurbished and/ or restored at a low-cost price.

In the end, the important thing is that we all leave a positive ecological footprint!

Anabela Moreira, Interior designer