Office building in Arada

Office building in Arada


The building results from the need to create two offices, with possible autonomous use, but allowing an internal connection, considering the possible merging of the two spaces.

Although the program is of a commercial nature, the need for decontamination, back to the essence, a kind of purity that allows, without initial affections, to think, conceive and produce new spaces, conditioned this choice that, unlike most service spaces, is not located in a more urbanized center. The result seeks, however, to be more than a sum, an idea of formulation that exposes without fear the crudeness of the essence as a possible way, the honesty of the simple forms, exposed without filters, in a game that emphasizes the dynamism, by the different rotation of the volumes, its different altimetry and solar exposition, allowing the creation of an object of easy apprehension and simultaneously of insinuated complexity, by the games of light/shadow that causes, by the apparent ambiguity of how it is shown, exposed in the volumetric formulation but reserved in the functional connection that establishes, filtered, with the surroundings. The building, which is immutable, is shaping much more slowly and, at the most, it can accuse the skates themselves of its own exposure to the weather conditions that, along with the longevity it as, influence its appearance. The apparent lightness of the gesture is contrary to the resistance of the work in time, which in itself also shows a certain tension – the work nevertheless seems to have resulted from a sudden act, little reflected, when in fact, this simplicity results from a successive detachment of artifacts used more commonly in other circumstances, and is therefore the result of a long process of maturation and reflection.