antoniolupi, Casalgrande Padana and CPRN at Salone del Mobile

On the occasion of the Salone del Mobile 2025, three protagonists of design and architecture – antoniolupi, Casalgrande Padana and CPRN – unveil their new collections. Innovation and creativity redefine the concept of space, function and beauty.

antoniolupi, Casalgrande Padana and CPRN at Salone del Mobile

antoniolupi – Hall 22 stand A05_A07 

In a continuous search for aesthetics and functionality, antoniolupi presents its new proposals that enhance the use of material in perfect balance with design. Nemesis, a collection of accessible furnishings, and Oasi bathtub.

Casalgrande Padana – Hall 1 Stand B07_B11

Casalgrande Padana confirms its commitment to research and sustainability, presenting Concept collection, among its new lines of high-performance ceramic surfaces.

antoniolupi, Casalgrande Padana and CPRN at Salone del Mobile

CPRN – Hall 9 Stand L03 

CPRN brings its vision of contemporary luxury to the Salone del Mobile through outdoor and indoor collections that combine Italian artisan excellence with sophisticated aesthetics.

antoniolupi, Casalgrande Padana and CPRN at Salone del Mobile