Sleep in Royal Edition – April 3rd to 13th

The 6th edition of Sleep in – Royal Edition arrives at Palacete Silva Monteiro, in Porto, from April 3rd to 13th.

Sleep in Royal Edition - April 3rd to 13th

For ten days, Miguel Costa Cabral, Nuska Themudo (Open Life), Sandra Pinto and Miguel Ferraz (Casa 23), Ana Paiva, Geovani Prado and António Aroso (Geotoni) , Cristina Archer and Nelma Serpa Pinto (The Studio Interiores), Paula Franzini, Ana Lencastre (Lencastre Interior Design), Patrícia Nascimento da Fonseca and Maria J. Carneiro (Sete Chaves), Fabián Pellegrinet Conte, Ginha Teixeira Pinto (DonaVila), Carlos Santos and Margarida Ferreira da Silva (AM Living) and Sónia Carvalho (Dama de Paus) bring fictional characters to life by creating unique and engaging environments, inspired by various real homes and different cultures. In this edition, the theme revolves around the universe of royalty.